Get TradeBacking
Just 4 easy steps to get funding
1. Submit your request for funding
Fill in the application form on this site and send it to us. Within the next 24 hours we will call or write to you.
2. Accept the invitation and create your profile
When you agree to work with us, our manager will send you an e-mail with a special link to enter your personal account. Activate it, please!
3. Provide required information and documents
Fill in the request for financing in your personal account, provide all the necessary information and documents on the transaction.
All data and uploaded documents will be saved automatically as soon as they are filled. You can stop the filling process at any time and continue later.
When you have filled in all the fields of the request, click the “Submit” button.
4. Get the approval and funding Specialists will check the information you provide and write and call you to inform the solution and agree on details.
When you complete these four simple steps, you will no longer have to pay 100% prepayment to the Seller and to freeze the funds until the goods are received from the warehouse.
Using Trade Financing, you will buy the right product in the right volume anywhere in the world quickly and continue managing your own funds.

Apply for TradeBacking
In order to provide you with the Trade Financing Service, the applicant Company and the planned transaction must meet several requirements:
Applicant Company:
Will be creditworthy;
Will be older than a year and have experience in the industry in question for more than a year;
The purchased goods will have margin at least 30%;
2. The goods supplier will have a good reputation.
How it works
1. Prior to providing the service, we will check your Company and the planned purchase for compliance with our requirements. We will request a number of documents to evaluate your chances to obtain the Trade Financing service. After a positive decision has been made, we will coordinate with you the transaction details, storage warehouse, and carrier and sign a contract.
2. You will provide us with the supplier’s invoice in the name of the TB.O trading house and the advance payment for the goods (at least 20%).
3. TB.O will pay the supplier 100% of the necessary amount and purchase the goods you need; deliver the goods to the warehouse and arrange its storage.
4. At your request, TB.O will arrange processing of the goods at the warehouse.
5. You will redeem the goods in full or in batches as and when necessary, but no longer than 60 days after receipt of the goods to the warehouse.
Information and Documents
List of documents and information required in order to receive Trade Financing:
Name of the Company;
Company registration number;
Legal address of the Company;
Purchase value of goods (EUR);
Company registration Certificate;
Balance sheet;
Profit and loss account;
Annual Report;
Company's account statement for the last fiscal year;
Copy of the Plenipotentiary Representative’s passport;
Documents of the related company (if any);
The purchased goods Supplier data;
The purchased goods Buyers data (on previous deliveries);
Plot of previous deliveries;
Contact data.
An example of the provision of TradeBacking service:
A Latvian company imports electric appliances from China to the EU and CIS countries and needs to increase the finished goods storage capacity. Delivery terms – FOB.
The Company gave TB.O trading house the invoice and accompanying documents for the goods and made the 50% prepayment for the goods purchased in the amount of 200, 000 USD.
The trading house purchased electric appliances from a Chinese supplier and arranged the delivery of goods to the Customs warehouse in Latvia. After 45 days the Company received the goods, having paid the remaining 50% for the goods with the markup of the trading house.
The markup included: 1.5% from the financing amount as a registration fee; 3% from the financing amount as an administration fee and 1.25% from the financing amount– accrued 45- day interest for the use of capital.
The company sold the goods to customers with a markup of 100% of the purchase amount and used the profit for the next Trade Financing transaction. The commission for the next transaction and the amount of the prepayment were lower: 1.5%, the registration fee was not applied.
Thus, the total markup on the goods value was 4.4% for the first purchase and 3.6% for the second purchase (plus logistics services expenses about 1.5% in both cases).